Friday, May 30, 2008

Shopping from home

Vendor House makes it simple for you to purchase quality Christian products at great prices. When you the customer makes a purchase from our online store then Vendor House process the payment and ship the products directly to you, our customer!

* You can purchase any of over 70,000 products including books, Bibles, DVD’s, CD’s, electronics, televisions, computers and more!

* We can help bring to market your own proprietary product through the Vendor House network of stores - ask us how!

The 'Vendor House' Concept

Vendor House is based on scriptural principles found in Acts 2:44-45 which says, “All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.” (NIV)

The early church understood the concept of community and the power of creating revenue through the selling of goods and possessions in order to create revenue to support the community. Vendor House provides the opportunity to sell goods through the corporate distributors that Vendor House is working with to provide more than 70,000 products in each Vendor House store.

Vendor House also provide the opportunity to sell possessions by allowing Vendor House store owners the opportunity to sell proprietary products through their Vendor House store.

If you have a product you would like to bring to market through our Vendor House store please ask for more details on how we can help you.